Choose Your Shed With Confidence and Certainty

From A Dream To A Plan In Seven Days Or Less


Hey, I’m Glenn

I help ShedMan Life streamline shed planning, design and rollout to minimise preventable delays - saving you months, and thousands of dollars - through tried, tested and proven systems.

I do this by following a methodology called The Time Saving Rollout Bundle. This system was developed by me, The ShedMan Life Master Guide, and incorporates my personal experience and knowledge after building over 200 sheds supplied from more than 10 companies.

I developed this system, because I realised that most lengthy shed delays can be prevented if the shed kit is structured in the unique Time Saving Rollout Bundle system. If you’re ready to finally create a shed that protects your assets from weather, vandalism and theft and gives you a return on investment, as quickly as possible, this system is for you.

Let’s connect and create a custom shed design for you.

The 3 Ways I Can Help You Choose Your Shed With Confidence and Clarity

FREE Australian Shed Quote Comparison Guide

12 steps that show you how to efficiently compare quotes, what to look for in the paperwork, how to avoid hidden costs, and specifics to ask for in a written quote. Gives you knowledge and power to choose the shed quote that's right for you.

The 20-Point Functionality Checklist

Make sure your shed will do everything you want it to.

Use the 20-point checklist to find out what your shed design needs to include to suit your use.

FREE Done-For-You Shed Design Services

You can choose us to design your dream shed that will protect your assets from weather, theft and vandalism.

We use the unique "Time Saving Rollout Bundle" methodology that saves you thousands and months in avoidable delays.

Can I live in my shed?

Yes, you can. We can engineer your shed to pass A1 permitting requirements. Ask us about mezzanines, living in the shed while you build a house, or allocating one part of the shed to live in, one to store your assets and one part to create a side income.

Areas Of Expertise

Personal Experience

Speak to one person throughout your ShedMan Life experience, who has personally built over 200 sheds. After hours consultations and Finance available.

Translates A Vision Into A Plan

We listen. You'll feel heard and confident, even if you're not accustomed to speaking in builders terms. Imagine talking to someone who knows what you want and offers design features functional use of space, door and offers design features you didn't even know about.

A clear shed plan for the best possible functional use of space, door and window sizes with adequate entrance clearances.

Up To Date Customised Site Specific Engineering

Faster council permit approval, and you'll feel confident knowing your shed is suited to your unique conditions.

Time Saving Efficiency

Exclusive built-in package inclusions for a smooth and swift building experience: saving you months in delays.

Trouble Shooting Phone Calls

Get after sales trouble shooting phone calls and advice from the Master Guide who has personally built over 200 sheds so there is clarity and your build is faster.

Stop Dreaming, Start Shed Living

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